Yes i love love mother nature going into sleep mode. I can’t seem to get enough of it. This world is going so fast lately. Is it me or do you feel it too? A swirling speed of things presenting themselves to us saying: “Fix this now Or visit this person they need help…or take care of this bill…or car trouble or yada yada..” Stop the world i want to get off…i think i should go into hibernation mode too…b I am just doing too much and am starting to get overwhelmed…but in if one lives in California..which i do. one feels like they are indefatigueable….cause the weather makes it possible for you to overdo and overbook and soon you think you are a superperson and you can keep up with the chaos…trouble is …dear ones…you can’t …Its time to slow down. Right? Do you feel your body setting boundaries…listen to it…be sensible…be like the autumn leaves and gently let go of all those things that you think needs to get down…shorten your “short” list…only do what is vitally necessary now…and take one day at a time…one project at a time. And remember…Love is what is most important…do all things in love and for love’s purposes cause love is the answer! Till next time, Love, MamaMia