Ok, I hope you read one and two. As you notice my grammar isn’t very good. But gosh I need to get this out of me and on paper for someone to read it. I am sure my kids even haven’t heard all these stories before out of my mouth… but if they did, would they, at the time believed…now that they and I are older…maybe now they and you will. The experience hasn’t changed. I still tell it the same way perhaps with a little less details. Alls I know is that it’s time to post them for posterity sake. After all, being heard is one thing, being believed is another.
Well, the time period its post dental school circa 1972, with my first husband the now dentist. We moved back to a place in Southern California…Hawthorne was our first apartment in 1972.
I started to want to stir up my faith again…I had no fellowship group, no born again Christian friends, no church that I felt I belonged. Just a mother that was off the deep end for Christ. And as the years went on …I became glad for that…cause life was extremely hard on that precious soul…Jesus literally “saved” her…its a good word actually.
I am now 22 and looking for a church. I wandered into a Catholic Church nearby, I won’t say the name, I want to keep story anonymous. It was a standard Catholic church. Dark, stained glass windows …nobody talking to you before or after daily mass. Just the way most Catholics liked it…meditative…personal…private…a sacred you and God thingy.
But that isn’t what I wanted…since that red headed Baptist lady prayed for me and I converted in one night…yes in one night. Did I tell you that story? Ok…maybe I forgot to include the fact that while I was waiting to be flown back to Chicago in 1969 to help my first husband through dental school..some lady at the preschool I worked at… prayed for me. No one ever prayed for me like that ever up until that time. So , I guess I should tell you what happened.
One night after closing of the preschool…she came up to me and said… I am leaving cause they(the principal) said I can’t teach about Jesus in this school. I knew that…I told her…its a secular school …Honey…why don’t you teach in a Christian school? But they don’t need Jesus like these kids do, she replied. That may be true…oh…I am sorry La Vern…that was her name…I got to say that much.
Oh, did I also mention that she changed my life…that night.Or should I say, God did, through her obedience.
The very next day…I kid you not…I was completely dressed different and went out to the same bar…”The brothers Two” it was called in Torrance/Redondo area. It now should be called the Apostles John and Peter…cause I marched in there duty bound…and positive that no one in California knew about Jesus and I would start in my favorite bar to tell of the wonderful experience I had.
I got beer thrown on me and was jostled out by my friend the bouncer…I forgot his name. But he liked me before…they all liked me…even the bartender said…Lauren I like you …what happened…you have completely changed!
Wow…I didn’t take drugs..gang…I just got prayed over (in tongues) accepted Jesus as Savior and took and read a few chapters of the bible…specifically Romans, Corinthians…and knelt and prayed on my own for Jesus to take me and change my life…and I guess…THAT’S WHAT HAPPENED…HE TOOK ME AT MY WORD…CAUSE I TOOK HIM AT HIS WORD!
P.S. Guess where I am temporarily living for now…with my daughter in La Verne California…. LA VERNE…THE SAME NAME AS THE LADY THAT INTRODUCED ME TO JESUS…PERSONALLY IS THAT A COOINCIDENCE OR WHAT. Incidentally, she chose the town to live in I didn’t…and she doesn’t even recall me telling her this story ever or the Lady’s name.
That’s all for now..till next time in Part 4…